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Do you want to visit Seville with kids? Here you have five places you can´t miss

Are you thinking about traveling with your kids?. Here you have five places you can not miss if you travel to Seville. All of them are kid-friendly and can be visited with children in a more special way. Take note!

Panorámica Sevilla turismo en Familia | Sevilla con los Peques

For those families who visit Seville with kids this city offers many iteresting places.

If you are thinking about visit Seville with kids, this is a perfect destination kid-friendly. This city offers you the best conditions to do it: the weather, with lots of sunny days during the year makes it a great option for turists from coldest cities.

In addition, Seville has a splendid network of cycle paths, which makes getting around the city very easy and fun for families with children.

Specifically, we want to show you five places you can not miss if you travel to Seville with kids. All of them are Kid friendly and can be visited in a more special way. Take note!

Alcázar de Sevilla

Alcazar de Sevilla turismo en Familia | Sevilla con los Peques

The Real Alcazar in Seville is one of the main monuments of the city and is a must visit for all tourists traveling to Seville with children. Taking a walk through its spectacular gardens is a small luxury for tourists traveling to Seville with the family. There are different options to visit the Real Alcázar of Seville with children. The association of tour guides Sevilla Official Tours organizes tours specifically designed for children and make the visit to this monument a game.
Sevilla Official Tours
653 287 310
Contacta con Seville Official Tour

 Catedral de Sevilla y Giralda

Catedral Sevilla turismo en Familia | Sevilla con los Peques
Seville Cathedral and the Giralda are another essential stops on the route of families traveling with children to Seville. The greatness of the Cathedral certainly surprised either children and adults. You will have the opportunity to get lost for hours through the magnificent Gothic building. Children will have fun climbing the ramps that lead to the top of the bell tower of the Giralda. Both constructions can be visited on specific routes for children. The company «Sevilla Museo Vivo» organizes special visits tho discover Seville with kids.
Sevilla Museo Vivo

 Setas de la Encarnación

Setas de la Encarnación turismo en Familia | Sevilla con los Peques

Metropol Parasol, popular known as Las Setas de La Encarnación, is an example that the vanguard is not incompatible with such a traditional city like Seville. The architectural ensemble designed by Jürgen Mayer sits on archaeological remains of Roman origin. Families visiting Seville with kids can enjoy the magnificent views of the city. This area is perfect for the children, with a playground area. This square becomes the scene of many acts and events of the city and allow the kids run around a bit in the shade and away from traffic.

 Plaza de España y Parque de María Luisa

Plaza España turismo en Familia | Sevilla con los Peques

El Parque de María Luisa is the most famous park in Seville. Taking a walk through this park is an experience for families visiting Seville with kids. Adults will enjoy visiting this historic gardens and children can run around brething fresh air and play in one of the swings that are in the park. Children can enjoy feeding the pigeons in the Plaza de America as well. Next to the park, tourists will find the Plaza de España, built for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929. A ride on boats in this place is a must for families with children.

 Conjunto arqueológico de Itálica

Italica turismo en Familia | Sevilla con los Peques
Although located on the outskirts of the city of Seville, any tourist who come here should go without a visit to the splendid archaeological site of Italica. These are the remains of the Roman city of Italica where you can find in good condition different monuments such as the theater, the amphitheater and the baths. The archaeological site can be visited with childrenin a special way. «Legados» is a company that organizes visits for families with children so you can discover the secrets of Italica all toguether.
Legados Difusión
645 348 306 / 600 600 147

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