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Puerto Delicia: eating with kids in Seville next to the Aquarium

The Restaurant at Delicias Dock offers a whole day packed with entertainment: a stroll by the boardwalk and family lunch along with activities and games for kids.

Delicias Dock in Seville is a pedestrian area, comfortable and children adapted. It’s a place where you can also find one of the most geared for kids attractions of all town: The Aquarium.


 The Restaurant at Delicias Dock offers a whole day packed with entertainment: a stroll by the boardwalk and family lunch along with activities and games for kids. Children can enjoy a very special dessert too. Entertainers will guide them through the 35 water tanks at the aquarium.

Lunches are available from 14 pm, as the restaurant opens. Till they become 18, kids older than 3 can enjoy the restaurant service of games and activities. Along with entertainers, kids will play at the Jardín de las Delicias (Delicias’ Garden), an open air space next to the restaurant.

 This restaurant makes a point of saying it welcomes children. Families can have lunch next to the river and children may enjone a special menu to suit smaller appetites: burgers, nuggets, pasta and dessert. For a while, adults and kids can eat together. Afterwards children can join in with all activities.

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